Thursday, December 15, 2011

"Woe to those who plan iniquity, to those who plot evil on their beds! At morning's light they carry it out because it is in their power to do it." -- Micah 2:1

There are times in life when we feel stuck-- in our relationship, in our job, in our economic situation, in our physical condition, etc.  Often to become unstuck requires a great deal of work and energy, but when we are exhausted, it's hard to muster.  Additionally, when we feel stuck, we feel powerless, which leads to a sense of despair.  And yet, despite our feeling of "stuckness" and "powerlessness", we manage to find the energy to be destructive in our relationships.  

When we are enveloped by darkness, it's difficult sometimes to see God's plan for us.  When we feel stuck, we are really just wanting a different reality than that which we're experiencing.  The work God calls us to is one of positive construction for a new way of being.  But because we hurt, and because we're blind, we turn inward and work to destroy.  This is not the way of God.   Identify what you want different in your life, building upon that which God has given you.  If you have the power to destroy, you also have the power to fashion and create.

Today's readings:  Micah 1:1-4:13; Revelation 6:1-17; Psalm 134:1-3; Proverbs 30:1-4;