Have you recently seen a child-- a young child-- who walks without a care in the world because they know their mother or father is near? The child is happy, confident, and safe. But when the child turns a corner and mom and dad are out of sight, on the child's face is only fear. The tears well up and the lip quivers. Not happy nor confident, because they have been separated. But the parent hasn't left, the child has just taken a turn and can't see them for a moment. The child quickly turns back and right away, everything's okay, because the parent is right there.
We are like that child. When we walk closely with God, in a place of trust, we walk with confidence and full of joy. When we separate ourselves from God, we get lost, and life makes little sense. We react to things out of fear and a need for self-preservation. And yet God is near. Turn back, and you'll see him again.
Readings: Jeremiah 35:1-36:32; 1 Timothy 5:1-25; Psalm 89:14-37; Proverbs 25:25-27