There appeared to be confusion over the good news that Paul was sharing in regard to "freedom" from the law. When Jesus says in Matthew 11 that his yoke is "easy" and his burden is "light", he's inviting those who live under the burden of the law to follow him... that his law is one-- not the six hundred thirteen found in the OT-- but one in two parts: love God; love each other. So it's not what goes into you that matters, but what comes out of you... man was not made for the Sabbath, but the Sabbath for man, etc...
While you are free from the tyranny of the law, that doesn't mean that any action follows the path of love. You have the freedom to do anything you want, but there are always consequences to your actions. Free will is yours, but seek to do God's will-- the right things.
Readings: Nehemiah 11:1-12:26; 1 Corinthians 10:14-11:2; Psalm 34:11-22; Proverbs 21:14-16