Our readings today include one of the most disturbing accounts in all of Scripture: Abraham preparing to sacrifice his son Isaac as an offering to God. It's inconceivable that God would ask this of a person, and I do not understand the demand in the story. But in the end, God stops Abraham from going through with it, and provides a substitute ram for the offering instead. Because of that experience, Abraham called the place "The Lord Will Provide". The Psalm echoes the sentiment, reminding the reader that the Lord has never forsaken those who seek him. Abraham was truly one who sought to follow the will of God.
Sometimes following God seems to make little sense. But when you seek him with your whole heart and your whole being, you will be surprised at how God finds you. Seeking and following the will of God makes no sense only to the one who does not seek and does not follow. May you always be a seeker!
Readings: Genesis 20:1-22:24; Matthew 7:15-29; Psalm 9:1-12a; Proverbs 2:16-22