Sunday, January 1, 2012

"In the beginning, God created..." -- Genesis 1:1

The beginning of a new year brings an incredible sense of hope and possibility.  Resolutions are readily kept, and our record is perfect.  As we embark on this journey together of reading through the entire Bible one day at a time, embrace each day as it comes.  Make your reading a part of your daily discipline.  Here are three things that will help keep you on track:

1.  Focus first primarily on the process and the discipline-- don't try to gain expertise or complete understanding in everything you read.  Just dedicate yourself to the task of engaging in the readings each day.

2.  If you miss a day, double up if you want the next day, but if you miss more than one, just pick up on the scheduled day.  You may start strong, then lose a whole string of days... don't worry about making them up, just get back into the routine and read the assigned readings for the day.

3.  Read with others.  Check in with each other.  Encourage each other.  Use this blog to post comments/questions that you might have.  The point is, don't do it in isolation.  Your chances of being successful increase enormously if you've committed with others to read through together over the course of the year.  Invite others along the way, too-- you don't have to start on day one, page one.  The discipline can be started anytime!

I'm thrilled to be doing this with you.  As we move through the entirety of Scripture this year, my prayer is that it changes your life as it has mine.  

In the beginning, God created... and the possibilities were (and are) endless...

Happy reading, and Happy New Year!

Readings:  Genesis 1:1-2:25; Matthew 1:1-2:12; Psalm 1:1-6; Proverbs 1:1-6.