In Ecclesiastes, we read that there is a time for every purpose... but distractions are a challenge. We have hopes, dreams, and intentions... but the worries of the day keep them as such. Because we choose not to act on our ideas, they forever remain elusive. It's startling to see others, reaping rewards for the diligent hard work they put in for years, while we still intend to do something one day. Whether that for you is getting that degree, starting that business, reading that Bible, or saying what you need to say to that person for healing to occur... when you say "I'm going to do that", you run the risk of not doing it at all. If you are really going to do that, schedule it. And then ACT. If you can act even before scheduling, do so. You will not reach your goals if you do not place the stones of action before them. The harvesters will be all around you. Be one of them.
Readings: 2 Chronicles 19:1-20:37; Romans 10:14-11:12; Psalm 21:1-13; Proverbs 20:4-6