While this text is written from the angle of physical protection for the writer in the context of battle, it can be looked at another way too. There's something to the old saying, "it helps to know people". Say you get yourself into a sticky situation after being mistaken for someone else who commits some sort of crime. Because you are known by those investigating, it's clear to them that the criminal described by eyewitnesses isn't you. Your relationship and reputation actually makes their job easier. You don't have to fear, because you have nothing to hide from them. Who you are has "illuminated" them about the situation.
When God is the one we serve, and we allow him to work in us and through us, our time and energy will be spent primarily on sharing his love with others. If our motive in every relationship in which we find ourselves is to love, then what do we need to fear? If we are being persecuted, let our response be one of love. There can be no darkness where there is light, and sometimes, we're the ones called to carry the light into the dark places of life. Let that love illuminate others and awaken them to the possibility of another way. And remember when your own life seems dark, God is your light and your salvation. No one can take that away. Don't be afraid-- you have connections.
Readings: Exodus 15:19-17:7; Matthew 22:1-33; Psalm 27:1-6; Proverbs 6:20-26