Monday, July 23, 2012

JULY 24th: "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express." -- Romans 8:26

When the pain is too much to bear, when the joy too great to express, or the situation too complex to make any sense of it, you can still pray. When you have no words, you can still pray. Even when you can't construct a thought, you can still pray. And maybe that's where prayer should begin anyway... before we even have a thought. With a posture, a breath, or an "inward groan" that says to God, "I seek you". In that seeking, he finds you. Don't worry as to what to say next. Just be with God, and be yourself. Readings: 2 Chronicles 11:1-13:22; Romans 8:22-39; Psalm 18:37-50; Proverbs 19:27-29

"You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness." -- Romans 8:9-10

In Genesis, we are told that we are created in the image of God.  And yet, who looks most like God?  But we come to learn in the New Testament that God is not flesh, but Spirit.  And if God is a spiritual being, and we are made in his image, then we too must be spiritual beings-- but with choice.  The Spirit of God resides in those who seek him and commune with him.  The Spirit of God is in those who choose to love, give, and live for something beyond themselves.  If you have the Spirit of God in you, you belong to him through Christ.  Your sin need have no hold on you, because in him, through him, and by him, you are forgiven. 

Reading: 2 Chronicles 8:11-10:19; Romans 8:9-21; Psalm 18:16-36; Proverbs 19:26