Samuel was the premier prophet of Israel who gave to them a king in Saul. He didn't want to, but the begged him for a king. The people had drifted spiritually, and it was their pride and hubris that called for a king, so Samuel in his prophesying, tells them that their future wasn't looking so bright because of their sin. When a prophet like Samuel spoke these things, it was terrifying to the people. But instead of outright condemning them, he encouraged them, saying that though they sinned, they're calling as a people was to worship their God and to live lives aligned with his purposes. This is a full dose of grace that they didn't expect. Here they were undeserving, and Samuel points them not to the past of their sin, but to their future opportunity to be the people God made them to be.
When you feel stuck and frozen over what has happened in the past, fast-forward a bit in your mind and visualize the future you desire. While you can't change your past, you can change your future dramatically. It's not so much about what you've done... or even about what your going to do. It's really about what you're doing now. So what are you doing?
Readings: 1 Samuel 12:1-13:22; John 7:1-29; Psalm 108:1-13; Proverbs 15:4