What a blessing for Solomon, the son, to hear from David, his father, these words of encouragement. David was at the end of his life, and had lived for God in the best way he knew. Now, it was time to pass the torch and let his son serve as best he knew. But he assured him of this: God would not fail or forsake him. When you live faithfully, knowing that what you are doing is for God and by God's design, you too can live with the knowledge that God will not fail or forsake you. And with that knowledge, you can proceed to live your life with peace of mind and with a spirit of trust that can carry you through adversity. Remember, when you live in God, you can never ever be alone. Do you know this?
Readings: 1 Chronicles 28:1-29:30; Romans 5:6-21; Psalm 15:1-5; Proverbs 19:18-19