Justified through faith... these are the words that Paul uses to try to explain to those who are righteous by the measure of cutural custom, but who have no personal relationship with God through Christ, where true redemption lies. We also say "justified by grace through faith"... that is, even the work of faith does not justify us-- save us-- redeem us-- whatever term you wish to use... but it's only by the grace of God that we can know salvation. Even working as hard as you can doesn't get you any closer to redemption. It's found in the being... in the relationship... it's not as hard as you think. Remember the key to any strong relationship is communication. Begin by communicating with God what's on your heart-- even if that's doubt. Share yourself with him. Be yourself and be honest. And just believe. Through faith, you will find life.
Readings: 1 Chronicles 26:12-27:34; Romans 4:13-5:5; Psalm 14:1-7; Proverbs 19:17