How many billions of dollars a year are spent in the beauty industry? It seems that each year, more money is spent on preserving those passing youthful looks than ever before. With teenage girls (and younger) now receiving gifts of plastic surgery and body augmentation, it's becoming more the norm to think that the secret to looking beautiful is skin deep. But the timeless truth stands: beauty is not skin deep. True beauty emanates and radiates from the soul. You can look at someone who appears "perfect" on the outside, but because their heart meditates on dark things, and their eyes reflect hate, there is an ugliness that comes out. Conversely, you might see someone who would be rejected by radio because of their looks, and find them to be the most attractive and beautiful person you've ever met. The secret to being beautiful is in finding joy in Christ. When that joy comes out, people don't just see you, they see God, the Creator of beauty himself. So if you want to look good, reflect on God, and God will reflect on you. There you have it: beauty secrets-- free of charge!
Readings: Exodus 35:10-36:38; Matthew 27:32-66; Psalm 34:1-10a; Proverbs 9:7-8