What I respond to when reading this proverb is the importance of focus. The world is getting smaller and our access to it more and more immediate. With that comes more and more options to give our time and attention. What will you do this next hour? Go to worship? Go to work? Watch tv? Surf the web? Spend time with a loved one? Read? Drive? Study? Paint? Fight? Eat? Bathe? Work in the yard? Clean the house? Go to sleep? The hour is yours. What will you do with it? The discerning one keeps wisdom in view. Don't lose your focus. What would God have you do once you finish these readings? Honor God by staying true to the course on which God has set you.
Readings: 2 Kings 6:1-7:20; Acts 15:36-16:15; Psalm 142:1-7; Proverbs 17:24-25