We humans are a predictable lot. We want to believe that what we do has no consequences. If it feels good, we should do it. If we want it, then we need it now. If nobody's hurt by it, what's the problem? The problem is that too often, our transgressions-- our moral failings-- our sins-- catch up with us. We do that which we know we shouldn't, and then realize it can't be undone. In desperation, we turn to God, praying that it never happened, that it's all just a dream and we will wake up and it will all have gone away. But the reality is that with freedom comes responsibility. With freedom comes the opportunity to make right choices, and to make mistakes. When we make our decisions prayerfully, we do so recognizing that we have the power to really mess things up. But by including God in our choices, we are less likely to bring irreparable harm to the relationships in our lives. By acting impulsively and without consideration, however, we place all that we value at risk.
Don't put yourself in the position of desperately turning to God in trouble. Turn to God before trouble ever comes.
Readings: Job 12:1-15:35; 1 Corinthians 15:29-58; Psalm 39:1-13; Proverbs 21:30-31