There is a growing acceptance of atheism in the western world. Not agnosticism, mind you, which claims not to know whether God exists or not-- but outright atheism which has great faith that God does not exist. This truly fascinates me. I listened to an interview of a minister who "came out" as an atheist, and listened to her reason for not believing... much of it was centered around a rejection of the literal interpretation of Scripture. More and more I'm hearing things like, "I don't believe in God because I don't think the earth and everything in it was made within a week." or... "the description of God in the Bible is not consistent, and it's not a God I want to believe in... therefore there is no God." Truly poor logic. It seems that just as society in general is becoming more polarized, religion is as well. If you read the Bible, and study the Bible, and come to understand Jesus' teachings... how can you not believe in God? IF you're struggling, perhaps you need to start with your definition of God... who do you refer to when you say, "God"? Or maybe it's that you aren't seeing evidence of him... you want miraculous signs you say? Look around you. You're surrounded by them.
Readings: Ruth 2:1-4:22; John 4:43-54; Psalm 105:16-36; Proverbs 14:26-27