A "cheerful look", and "good news"... sounds like new age "positive thinking", that ever-popular teaching that if you just change your viewpoint and see the positive in your situation, you'll live happier and healthier. Well, it's true. Apparently, this isn't so new age after all. It's something that's been around for thousands of years. The writer of this proverb knew the power of a happy countenance and positive words. So if it's true, then why don't we practice it? Even science has shown that forced smiling releases chemicals in our brain that turn our mood from dark to light. And socially, who likes to be around Debbie Downer? It's official: positive thinking does have power. Exercise that power today. Don't let the dark clouds envelop you. Walk in the light.
Readings: 2 Samuel 2:12-3:39; John 13:1-30; Psalm 119:1-16; Proverbs 15:29-30
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