Isn't it funny how times have changed? Today, many of us try to conceal our gray hair. Products that will cover it up, take it out, and make it go away are huge sellers. Why? Could it be because in our culture we value youth and virility over age and wisdom? Could it be because we have it a bit backwards? In the day of this Proverb, to have lived long enough to have gray hair was to have beaten the odds. Generally, people did not live past what we now consider middle age. And if they did live that long, it was attributed to living a righteous life. The formula was: live righteously = live long. Today, we still celebrate those who live long, and hope to do so ourselves, but forget about the path to it. People live long much because of making good choices along the way. There still remains a path of righteousness to the golden years. So as your hair begins to gray, don't hide it, for it remains a crown of splendor. May you live beyond the gray years and into the white!
Readings: 1 Kings 7:1-51; Acts 7:30-50; Psalm 128:1-6; Proverbs 16:31-33
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