So few of us have land to work these days. Our food comes from the store we go to in order to trade our hard-earned paper money for the goods that fuel us. What would happen if there were no grocery stores from which to buy your food? What if there were no cars to transport us? How would we live?
While most don't have the resources to grow their own food, the act of gardening and growing has a powerful effect on one's well-being. Today, you don't need acreage, but only a window or a grow light in order to grow food in your space. It's an endeavor worthy of anyone's time. If you don't grow anything, try doing so this season. Even if it's mint in a small pot by a window, when you taste the mint you grew from seed, you will taste and be connected to God's miracle of creation and its wonder.
Readings: Daniel 5:1-31; 2 Peter 2:1-22; Psalm 119:113-128; Proverbs 6:1-28
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